Panasonic GF5 對決GF3 測試、實拍報告,看GF5 進展多少| T ... 2012年7月13日 - 微單眼戰火連綿,身為Panasonic 第四代掌門人的GF5,搭載了新款1210 ... 標籤: 相機、DV, 相機, panasonic, evil, gf3, 微單眼, 評測, 產品對決, gf5.
當小三撞見五姨太,Panasonic GF5 v.s. GF3 測試報告| T17 ... 2012年7月13日 - 但是....,GF5與GF3上市時間相隔才快一年,原廠釋出的誠意,足以讓 ... 另外,稍微比較一下GF5及GF3的Q.Menu待選區裡的功能,雖然有些許的 ...
GF5 vs GF3 vs NEX-C3 vs E-PM1 超級比一比 2012年4月6日 - 從上面比較對象的選擇其實就可以發現,這個「低階」EVIL 相機的產品類別,其實已經很一段時間沒有更新,不論是GF3、NEX-C3 還是E-PL3 都是 ...
Panasonic DMC-GF3 vs DMC-GF5 - Our Analysis - Snapsort Snapsort compares the Panasonic DMC-GF3 vs Panasonic DMC-GF5 to find out which is the winner. Key differences include: screen resolution, startup delay, ...
Panasonic DMC-GF3 vs DMC-GF5 - Our Analysis Snapsort compares the Panasonic DMC-GF3 vs Panasonic DMC-GF5 to find out which is the winner. Key differences include: screen resolution, startup delay, shutter lag and low ...
GF3 vs. GF5?: Micro Four Thirds Talk Forum: Digital Photography Review ... GF3 vs. GF5? In reply to eastvillager, May 30, 2012 I'm actually thinking of picking up a GF3 with 14 ...
Panasonic GF2 .GF3 .GF5 - Yahoo!奇摩知識+ 1.同樣1200萬畫素...另外GF2 GF3 LCD螢幕46萬畫素, GF5 92萬畫素。ISO: GF2:100-6400 1萬9起 GF3:160-6400 ...
Panasonic GF3 vs GF5 - High ISO Test « NEW CAMERA Panasonic GF3 vs GF5 - FIRST High ISO Test done (polish website google translated), due to ...
GF3 vs GF5 差很大嗎? (第1頁) - Panasonic單眼相機- Mobile01 GF3 vs GF5...(恕刪). 我個人有GF3 最常用的是程式AE模式(P) 這個狀態下,夜間 拍攝會多數在ISO 1600
GF3 vs. GF5 - The Panasonic Lumix DMC-GF5 doesn't depart far from the GF3 in design, but does have some ergonomic tweaks that ...